The goal of our neuro-rehabilitation program is to reintegrate and maintain individuals with an acquired brain injury in their own community by providing treatment, support, training, and education to clients, as well as families and caregivers. Our goals and interventions are client centered around the person’s physical, social and vocational environments. Our team is highly qualified in neuro-rehabilitation and provides evidence based practice in a timely and cost-effective manner. By using this as our philosophy, we are assisting clients achieve optimal function and independence in the community.
Our neuro-rehabilitation programs include:
Acquired Brain Injury Program
Occupational Therapy Assessments are completed by a qualified Occupational Therapist with a specialty in neuro-rehabilitation. Services include:
- Functional Assessments to assess strengths or limitations in self-care, leisure and productivity.
- Cognitive Assessments & Rehabilitation using standardized assessment tools and outcome measures. Therapy includes self awareness training and teaching compensatory strategies to be more independent.
- Community Based Rehabilitation to teach independence in real life settings (grocery shopping, bus transportation, vocational (paid or unpaid). Includes reactivation programs including increasing exercise, volunteering, and vocational outings
- Social Skills Training (both in groups or individualized sessions).
- Return To Work Program which includes the development of compensatory strategies/accommodations to assist a person in re-entry back to work following injury.
- Case Management Services as needed to ensure optimal support to client and family.
- Education Workshops for families, employers, schools regarding acquired brain injury as well as assisting in optional recovery.
Physiotherapy Assessments are also completed by qualified Physiotherapists who specialize in brain injury. Services include:
- In-home physical therapy assessments with detailed physical programs for optimal recovery.
- Community based assessments in local gyms, work or school settings.
Spinal Cord Injury Services
Our mandate is to reintegrate individuals who have sustained a Spinal Cord Injury into their home and community environment by providing assessment, treatment, training and education to not only clients but also their families and caregivers.
Occupational Therapy Assessments are completed by a qualified Occupational Therapist with a specialty in neuro-rehabilitation. Services include:
- Complex Seating & Mobility Assessments Includes a comprehensive clinical interview, mat assessment and equipment trial/recommendations for both manual & power mobility bases. Custom seating components may also be a component of the detailed assessment and intervention services. Block Building Therapies works with a variety of local equipment vendors that also specialize in complex seating & mobility prescriptions.
- Spinal Cord rehabilitation Includes assessment of strength or limitations in activities of daily living and home management tasks. Intervention is focused on increasing independence in all areas of occupational performance.
- Community Based Rehabilitation to teach independence in real life settings (grocery shopping, bus transportation, vocational (paid or unpaid). Includes reactivation programs including increasing exercise, volunteering, and vocational outings
- Return to Work services Includes Worksite assessments, Workplace accommodation and Employer education regarding re-entry back to work following the Spinal Cord Injury.
- Case Management Services as needed to ensure optimal support to client and family.
Physiotherapy Assessments are also completed by qualified Physiotherapists who specialize in spinal cord injury. Services include:
- In-home physical therapy assessments with detailed physical programs for optimal recovery.
- Community based assessments in local gyms, work or school settings.
To make a referral, please email us or call our office at 204-231-0785.