“Nicole has developed a niche business, providing expert occupational therapy and rehabilitation services to individuals with brain injury. Nicole and her team play an integral part in assisting them to overcome the challenges and barriers that they face each day, and improving their overall quality of life.” – Colleague*
“Our family has been blessed to have known and worked with Nicole since 1997 shortly after our son suffered a traumatic brain injury. Nicole’s enthusiasm for her work, her concern and dedication to her clients shows through in all she does.” – Family*
“There are few social opportunities for young adults to meet other people who have survived traumatic injuries and many suffer from loneliness and social isolation. Nicole has volunteered to organize monthly events with the hope and dream of building future programs.” – Client*
“Nicole is dedicated, professional and truly compassionate about her role in occupational therapy and her business. She approaches people in general with a sense of ensuring they are getting the most out of life.” – Colleague*
“Nicole is very timely in her approach to any meetings. Keeping her focus on what needs to get reviewed and accomplished regularly. The business has grown over the years because of her driven attitude which can be seen in her leadership style and hard work.” – Financial Consultant*
“Nicole is compassionate, is a great leader and has a positive spirit. I know many parents would agree with me in how incredibly grateful we are for the role that she plays in our new lives! She is a bright thread through our tapestry of life and much appreciated!” – Client’s Mother
*These statements were excerpted from the 2011 Women Entrepreneur of the Year Award nominations.